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Qing An temple was founded in year 1661. At beginning it was dedicated to Cheng Huang (Guadian of town) and Nalakuvara (or Nezha in Mandarin) only. After being through six times of renovation, nowadays the temple has enshrined more than 100 divinities.

Xigang Festival was originated from Bafen village in 1784. But in year 1823, owing to the catastrophic flood triggered by Zeng Wun river, Bafen temple was badly damaged. For this reason Xigang had taken place of Bafen to host festival since then. Until year 2012, Qing An temple has hosted Xigang Festival for 189 years. It witnessed the transition of Taiwan from imperial China's domination¡BJapanese occupation¡BWorld War II and KMT's oppression. All our lives or memories, with respect to culture¡Bcustom¡Bentertainment¡Bfestival¡Bmentality or religion, have something to do with Qing An temple. Residents who lived by Qing An temple follow the temple bell to carry on their pace of living. The distance between supreme and human being seems not that far. Simply speaking, the line betwixt mortal and immortal, was not lying in this tangible world, but deep inside our mind and thought.